227 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
Overall Stats
Ranking Score 821
H Rating 25%
Win Ratio 10.0% (2/20 games)
Players Played 109
Players Eliminated 5
Average game size 6.5
Last Game Played 21st Mar 2012 01:05
Game Win Ratios
3 Player Games 0.0% (0/2 games)
4 Player Games 33.3% (2/6 games)
5 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
6 Player Games 0.0% (0/3 games)
7 Player Games 0.0% (0/3 games)
9 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
10 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
12 Player Games 0.0% (0/3 games)
Board Name Ranking Score Points H Rating Played Won Win Ratio Last Played
Asherons Gear 980 1 0 0.0% 2011-04-13 15:30
Australian Risk 980 1 0 0.0% 2010-06-13 00:28
Battle for New York 977 1 0 0.0% 2010-06-09 17:25
Chutes and Ladders 980 1 0 0.0% 2010-06-08 19:39
Europe 1560 896 25% 10 1 10.0% 2012-03-21 01:05
Global Warfare 991 1 0 0.0% 2010-05-05 02:11
Infection 1038 75% 2 1 50.0% 2010-06-18 08:10
Lord of the Gears 986 1 0 0.0% 2011-02-01 03:41
Medieval Europe 981 1 0 0.0% 2011-04-19 20:55
WarGear Warfare 978 1 0 0.0% 2010-06-30 00:09